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Heather Kent: Art for Home and Heart

November 19, 2009

Heather Kent: Original Bulldog Acrylic Painting 20x20 $250

After online stalking Heather Kent’s Etsy Store (admittedly not enough to actually read her ads… shoot me, I’m a picture pursuer!) and via her tweets, I moved in for the kill–drooling fan seeks audience with admired artist!  I schemed ways to get noticed by Heather Kent leaning on the gleaned knowledge of her likes from my online hawking.  I settled on curling up on her welcome mat and pretending to be a lost Bull Terrier.  Hey, I’m short and feisty! Upon discovery (blast my inability to camouflage adequately!), Heather concluded the best way to get her front entry cleared of my carcass was by granting me an interview!  (Heaven forbid feeding me, I’d stay forever!)  Now all of you, Our Bloomin’ Readers and Fans, reap the benefits of my artist-stalkage skills without any of the messy legal fees!

Heather Kent: Original Yellow Lab Acrylic Painting 11 x 14 $175

FOTB: When did you recognize your talent as an artist?

Heather Kent: Since I was a child I have loved to make art and create things. I could sit with my sketchbook and draw for hours! For several years when I was growing up my mom taught art classes out of our house, so I was always around art in one form or another. In high school and college I took some art classes as well.

FOTB: What is your favorite medium?

Heather Kent: I’ve been asked this question a lot and my answer always seems to be changing. Currently I really enjoy painting with Acrylics because they are a cleaner/faster-drying/easier-to-clean-up/but-less-depth version of Oils. Some day I would like to get back into painting with oils, but my “art room” is a nook off the living room, and that’s not a good combination with my carpeted floors and rambunctious Bull Terrier who hucklebutts around the house.

As far as my hand painted pendants go, I love painting with watercolor because I can get the finer details in the miniature pictures.

Heather Kent: Original Boston Terrier Acrylic Painting 16x20 $225

FOTB: Do you support yourself financially with your art?

Heather Kent: For the past few months I have been a full-time artist, which is still strange to say. I wouldn’t say I am able to “support myself” with it yet, but I am blessed to have a wonderful supporting husband who also has a full-time job.

Heather Kent: Hand Painted Red Kitchenaid Mixer Pendant Necklace $18

FOTB: What do you do on a regular basis that keeps you inspired?  What is your main inspiration?

Heather Kent: As far as my hand painted necklaces go, I simply paint things that I love. I am constantly thinking of new things that would look great on a necklace, and always keeping my eyes and ears open to fresh inspiration. Unless I’m filling a custom order, I have always made a conscious effort to never make a necklace that I wouldn’t want to wear myself.

Heather Kent: Hand Painted Weimaraner Dog Pendant Necklace $18

FOTB: What artist, past or present, most influences your work?

Heather Kent: Wow, I admire so many different artists! Van Gogh, Charley Harper, Chuck Close, Eli Halpin, Thibault, and so many more.

FOTB: What inspired you to paint small masterpiece pendants for necklaces?

Heather Kent: A couple years ago I saw a lady had painted a landscape in oil on a tiny canvas and put it on a necklace. It was about $80, and I wanted to figure out a way to do something similar, but for a better price. One day I finally had time to think about how I could do it, and when I figured it out, I literally couldn’t sleep that night because I was so excited to get started the next day. It’s a wonderful way to combine my love of art and my love for selling things.

Heather Kent: Hand Painted Bird Nest Pendant Necklace $20

FOTB: Are your necklaces prints or are they all your original artwork?

Heather Kent: Each necklace is an original painting. Sometimes multiple people will request the same design, so some look similar, but they are all unique and hand painted.

Heather Kent: Hand Painted Bull Terrier Pendant Necklace $18

FOTB: Have you ever had a creative block?  If so, how did you overcome it?

Heather Kent: Yes, I think most artists experience some sort of creative block. I think a good way I keep from being blocked is to immediately make a necklace when I have a good idea. Sometimes if I think about something too long, I will get bored with the idea and get stuck. I get a lot of custom orders, so that keeps me from getting a creative block, because the client has already given me the idea of what to do, and I just figure out the best way to do it.

FOTB: What is your dream goal for the next 5 years–where will you be and what will you be doing?

Heather Kent: As far as my art is concerned, I would love to make a decent wage simply selling necklaces, commissioned dog portraits, and other paintings that I love to do. I can’t think of anything better than to get paid to make art. Eventually I hope to have my necklaces in different stores and shops. I would love to someday overhear the conversation:  “Oh, I love your necklace! Is that a Heather Kent?” “Well of course it is!”

Heather Kent: Hand Painted Tiger Lily Pendant Necklace $18

FOTB: What is YOUR best advice to offer someone who wants to be an Artist?

Heather Kent: Do your best in everything. Figure out what you really LOVE to do, but also figure out what other people love. You may LOVE painting skulls with flames coming out of the eye sockets, but don’t plan on making a living with it. Also, I somewhat disagree with the fact that you have to find “your own style” to be a good artist. While I see some truth in that, I personally enjoy painting in whatever style I want to that day. Also: being “self-taught,” doesn’t make you a better artist than those who have taken art classes. If you realize you love to create art, sign up for some good classes where you can learn and grow a lot in your talent.

Heather Kent: Hand Painted Peacock Feather Pendant Necklace $15

Heather Kent paints like an excellent draftsman–her confident pen sketches show she knows her subjects well.  Heather hasn’t lost that inspirational touch of childlike whimsy that makes her work so much FUN!  I appreciate her passion for her dogs, and the fact that owning a Heather Kent will bring joy to your home or your favorite outfit!

Heather Kent: Hand Painted Bost Terriers Pendant Necklace $18

Heather’s original paintings on canvas range in price from $39 to $250.  She also accepts commissions for custom dog portraits ranging in price from $125 to $325 (based on size, additional pets are extra!).  Her original miniature works of art in the form of necklaces are so affordable!  $15 to $18 for a necklace!!!  Heather Kent proudly accepts custom requests, add only $2 more and she will fulfill your pendant wishes!  (Click on any image in this post for more pictures, information, and to purchase an original by Heather Kent!)

Heather Kent Custom Portrait of Labs

Thank you, Heather Kent, for making sure that I got the most lenient restraining order possible, but most of all…thank you for taking the time out of your busy artsy schedule to talk with Fruits of the Bloom!  Oh, and that stain on the welcome mat…*blinks eyes innocently and shrugs* I’m totally clueless about how that got there!

Easy Stalking Access for Heather Kent:

Heather Kent’s Etsy Store
Heather Kent’s Blog
Stalk Heather Kent on Twitter

P. S.  While you’re here please look at our giveaway information!  Click HERE for information about Couture Nerd’s review of Fruits of the Bloom and our free product offer!



17 Comments leave one →
  1. November 20, 2009 1:47 am

    i’m a fan and stalker of Heather Kent too! 😉

    • November 20, 2009 1:56 am

      Hello Pearl! Was that YOU that made that stain on the rug?!? *bats eyes innocently* I am a fan of Heather Kent’s too, albeit from afar (due to the restraining order!). ;o)

      Thanks for commenting! Us stalkers gotta stick togethah!

      Your Sistah Stalkah

  2. November 20, 2009 10:41 pm

    Wonderful blog! Thank you so much! Very honored.

    Pearl and Loren: There are enough stains to go around! 🙂

    • November 20, 2009 11:18 pm

      We’re honored that you took your time to grant us your vewwy own answers to our interview questions, Heather! ;o)

      My stains are at an appropriate legally dictated distance now. (i. e. Your neighbor’s lawn.)


  3. Mary permalink
    November 23, 2009 10:43 pm

    Heather Kent rocks! She’s an amazing artist and an even better person.

    • November 24, 2009 1:22 am

      I feel the same way, you can even get the hints of that from stalking her on Twitter! She’s a sweetheart, you’re lucky to know her up close and personal!

      Thanks for droppin’ by and commenting!

  4. Nicole permalink
    November 23, 2009 11:24 pm

    I am so proud to call Heather my sister-in-law! God has gifted her with some incredible talent.

    • November 24, 2009 1:24 am

      Wow…not only do you get awesome artsy gifts (I’m sure)…you get to stalk her without restraining orders! Way to go! Marrying into the family is a much smahtah way of stalking her than pretending to be a Bull Terrier. *scribbles notes furiously*

      Thanks for the Stalking Tips and Tricks!,

  5. November 24, 2009 1:43 am

    I feel so loved 🙂 Even if it’s only family members, stalkers, and other crazed fans who may or may not be trying to weasel their way into my heart by dressing up like Spuds McKenzie and/or the Target dog and sleeping on my front porch and then I may or may not feed them dog food and then send them on their merry way.

    • November 24, 2009 2:21 am

      You’ve never been loved until you’ve allegedly been stalked by an alleged Spuds McKenzie who may have allegedly made a stain on your welcome mat after allegedly ingesting dog food (still can’t get that stuff outta my teeth…*ahem* allegedly).

      And allegedly, are handcuffs really necessary to being sent on someone’s “merry” way?

  6. November 24, 2009 2:26 am

    Definitely you get the award for the funnest stalker YET! You’re at least in the top 25.

    • November 24, 2009 2:38 am

      Top 25…*hangs head in shame* Must. Work. Harder. ;o)


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